Who doesn’t go absolutely bananas for ice cream? For most people, it’s like a flashback to carefree summer days and sticky fingers from devouring countless cones. After all, ice cream is the ultimate comfort food, with more flavors and toppings than you can shake a cone at. It’s practically happiness in a frozen concoction.
Let’s face it, the summer months can melt all productivity in an office. Who can concentrate when there are a million fun things happening outside? But fear not! Ice cream is the superhero that can save the day and keep your employees cool and motivated. So why not kick off summer with an ice cream extravaganza?
Why not scoop up some team spirit by throwing an ice cream soiree at work? Whether you’re celebrating a big-wig achievement, welcoming newbies to the crew, or simply trying to boost morale, an ice cream social is the way to go. Trust me, it’s a guaranteed success! And here are some tips to help you rock the party:
Now, onto the good stuff. Let’s talk flavors and toppings, baby! Get creative and give your peeps a mind-blowing array of options. You can go classic with cookies and cream or throw in some wild card flavors like caramel bacon swirl or unicorn sprinkles explosion. And don’t forget the toppings! Candy, hot fudge, fruit syrups – the possibilities are as endless as the ice cream flavor combos. Luckily, W.B. Mason has so many fun ice cream toppings, such as candy, hot fudge, and delicious fruit syrups. Some of our favorites are:
Oringer Continental Hot Fudge Topping
Sparrow Enterprises Carnival Sprinkles
But wait, what about logistics? No worries, my friend! Find a sweet spot in the office to set up the ice cream station, like the communal area or a conference room. Just make sure to send out a GPS-like reminder to avoid any lost souls wandering around with empty bowls. And keep it organized, people! Nobody wants to wait in a never-ending line when they could be relishing their heaping cone of joy. If you don’t have them, already be sure to get some disposable gloves, plastic spoons, paper bowls, and a trusty Winco® Ice Cream Disher to make perfect scoops!
Oh, and let’s not forget the most memora-BOWL part – decorations! Transform your workplace into a candy-colored wonderland with balloons, streamers, and ice cream-themed banners. Who needs a trip to Disneyland when you’ve got an ice cream party in the conference room?
Encourage your team to join the fun by bribing them with prizes for the most insane ice cream creations. Leadership can even bless the event with their presence (and maybe a few scoops). An ice cream social is a rare chance to mingle with coworkers outside of the cubicle jungle, so make it count!
But hey, remember that not everyone is on team dairy. So be a cool boss and offer non-dairy or low-sugar options for those with dietary restrictions. Frozen yogurt, sorbet, and pre-cut fruit can save the day for your lactose-intolerant comrades.
Now, here’s the most important tip: have a blast at the ice cream social! It’s a chance to temporarily escape the clutches of work stress and indulge in pure dessert bliss. And hey, don’t be tempted to discuss spreadsheets or deadlines – this is an excuse for a sugar-induced brain freeze, after all!
So go ahead and scoop up some morale-boosting magic with an ice cream social to celebrate National Ice Cream Day this July 16. It’s a deliciously simple way to create a happy and productive workplace. Plus, who can say no to an unlimited supply of ice cream? It’s practically the secret ingredient to office harmony. Now get scooping!
Ice Cream Social Hub. Tips for Hosting Ice Cream Socials. (https://icecreamsocialhub.com/tips-for-hosting-ice-cream-socials/) Accessed June 16, 2023.
Kaleido Scoops. 3 Tips For Planning An Employee Ice Cream Social. (https://www.kalscoops.com/3-tips-planning-employee-ice-cream-social/) Accessed June 16, 2023.
Ving. Add “Ice Cream Day” to Your Employee Engagement Ideas. (https://blog.vingapp.com/add-ice-cream-day-employee-engagement-ideas/) Accessed June 16, 2023.