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How I Cut My Screen Time in Half in 10 Days

By August 31, 2021January 17th, 2023Management & Productivity, Technology
Cutting Down on Screen Time

The average U.S. adult spends 3 hours and 43 minutes a day on their mobile device. That’s about 56 days a year spent scrolling, liking, and swiping. I trend above average in screen time, often spending more than 5 hours a day on my phone. I’ve spent the past 10 days breaking my phone addiction and cutting my screen time in half! Here is how I did it:

1. Delete or Sign Out of Addicting Apps

I originally downloaded TikTok last year during long quarantined days. Using the “Screen Time” feature on my phone, I was able to see that I spend the most time on TikTok – often more than 2 hours a day!

I now delete the TikTok app every time I am not using it. This way I must make the conscious decision to redownload the app and log in every time I want to use it. I can still follow my favorite accounts like @WBMasonCO, and watch the Toks my roommates send, but I am not mindlessly getting sucked in.

2. Out of Sight, Out of Mind

When I am working, I keep my phone in a different room to avoid distraction. This prevents me from checking my phone every time I get a notification. I let myself look at my phone during lunch and at the end of the workday. I find it satisfying to see my notifications from the day all at once: a snapchat from Chloe, text from Mom, and new post from Taylor Swift! Sweet!

3. Set a Time Limit

I set a time limit for all my social media apps of 1 hour a day. At the end of an hour a screen will pop up reminding me to get off the app. It disrupts my scrolling and reminds me of my goal. If I try to open the app later in the day the Time Limit notification will still be there.

4. Talk It Out

Having conversations on the phone is a great way to reduce your screen time. You can take a walk or tidy up while you chat with a friend. I’ve found that phone calls are more efficient and provide a sense of connection that texting just doesn’t.

The best part of limiting my screen time was gaining more than two hours of my day back by not looking at my phone! I find myself more present in social settings and having more leisure time. I will continue this habit and who knows, maybe I can continue to lower my screen time even more!

What is your screen time? Are you interested in reducing it?


1. Zalani, Rochi. “Screen Time Statistics 2021: Your Smartphone Is Hurting You”. Elite Content Marketer, 2 June 2021, Accessed 31 August 2021.