As I write this, my kids are doing cannonballs into the pool, eating watermelon on the deck, and running through the neighborhood with reckless abandon. The last thing on their minds in July is school next fall. At that age, the summer seems to go one forever. In reality, school is less than two months away and getting closer every day. As adults, parents, teachers, and administrators, we are tasked with making sure that our kids’ backpacks are filled with their personal school supplies, just as the schools need to stock theirs cabinets with instruments of learning. Beyond pencils and paper, schools need to stock janitorial supplies, sporting equipment, classroom decorations, and administrative supplies amongst many other things. Preparing for the school year can be a year-round event. So with that, let’s highlight four items that can kick off your school supplies re-stocking for the fall.
MVP: Elmer’s® Washable School Glue Sticks

When you think of arts and crafts for kids, it conjures up an image of the child covered in glue, in their hair, mouth and all over their hands. This would result in peeling dry glue off of every surface those little fingers touched – a real mess and a pain to take care of. In steps the Elmer’s Washable School Glue Sticks. These little guys are non-toxic so if somebody decides to taste one it won’t hurt them. The glue is washable, which means clothes won’t be wrecked or stained with every gorgeous piece of macaroni art. Last but certainly not least… they work! They create a suitable lasting bond on foam, paper, cardboard and more. Available in packs of 30 so every kid in the class gets one.
Unsung Hero: C-Line® Classroom Connector™ School-To-Home Folders

When I was a kid, my backpack was a mess. Papers everywhere, homework, notes from my teacher, and even my report card. It was a black hole that seemed to swallow everything – never to be heard from again. Fear not though! This month’s unsung hero to the rescue. C-Line’s line of polypropylene folders provides the level of organization necessary for items to safely and securely travel from school to home and vice-versa. The front and back covers are clear so they can be customized with a cover sheet. The interior pockets are labeled “Home” and “School” so kids, teachers, and parents can easily decipher what’s what. They are durable, colorful, and light-weight. The 9-year-old version of me might be a lost cause when it comes to staying organized, but today’s kids aren’t!
Best New Item: ELAN Volleyballs

The best newcomer this month is ELAN adding a selection of volleyballs to their already wide assortment of footballs and soccer balls. Perfect for gym class or recess, these durable designs come in packs of two or six and even include a handy pump and needle so it’s easy to keep them inflated and ready to go. Now the kids can go burn off some energy!
Product Most Likely to be Found in My Home: Sharpie Permanent Markers

Perhaps the most versatile product in the entire School Supplies category, Sharpie’s permanent marker is certainly a staple at work and at home. Since they are waterproof, smear-proof, and quick-drying, they can be used on most hard-to-write surfaces. Basketballs, hockey sticks, video games, and headphones are a few things that my children love to leave at other people’s houses, at school and in people’s cars. Jotting their name down on it all with a permanent black marker has saved me a few bucks through the years in not having to replace it all. Heck, I even label their other school supplies with a Sharpie. Tough to beat that!
That’ll do it for this month’s Fabulous Four. The kids are asking for their 5th snack of the day, so while I go take care of that, remember the start of school is closer than we think!