Back to school season is here, which can come with a flurry of excitement, new beginnings, and… germs. Yes, you heard that right. Your student’s backpacks, those seemingly innocent vessels of books and snacks, can harbor a surprising number of bacteria and viruses just from moving about the school during the day. But with the help of Lysol’s® powerful cleaning brands and products, you can keep the classrooms and hallways of your school germ-free, limiting the germs that cling to the backpacks of students. Let’s take a look at everything the backpack does in a day to accumulate germs and explore the ways that Lysol® can help!
Chapter 1: The Morning Commute
The day starts innocently enough – at home. Students grab their backpack, filled with textbooks, notebooks, and a healthy dose of anticipation. As they head out the door, their backpack brushes against the floor, the doorknob, and perhaps even a friendly pet. Little do they know; they’re collecting a menagerie of germs along the way, and they haven’t even made it to the bus stop yet.
Chapter 2: The Ride to School
No matter how students get to school, whether that be the bus, carpooling with friends, walking, or driving themselves, backpacks can accumulate lots of germs wherever they are placed. School bus seats and floors aren’t always the cleanest, and sometimes, the car floors can be just as dirty.
Chapter 3: The Locker or Cubby
Arriving at school, students tend to stash their backpack in their locker or in a cubby, depending on how old they are or how much space the school has for each student. These lockers or cubbies, which have been communal spaces shared with countless other students, can be a breeding ground for germs. From spilled drinks to forgotten lunches, the locker or cubby can be a hotbed of microbial activity that doesn’t get cleaned very often.
Chapter 4: The Classrooms
Throughout the day, student’s backpacks can become exposed to a variety of surfaces. They might place it on desks, chairs, and most likely, the floor; all of which can harbor bacteria and viruses. And let’s not forget about the shared classroom supplies like pencils, markers, and erasers that get passed around the room throughout the day.
Chapter 5: The After-School Activities
After school, students’ backpacks are most likely brought with them on their adventures. Whether they’re playing sports, attending clubs, or simply hanging out with friends, their backpack is exposed to a variety of environments after the school day is over. From the gym floor to the park bench, to the cafeteria table, the possibilities for germ exposure are endless.
Chapter 6: The Return Home
At the end of the day, the students bring their backpacks home with them. Little do they know; their backpack is carrying a hidden cargo of germs from all parts of their day. These germs can be transferred to other surfaces in their home, potentially making their family and friends sick. Think about it: the germs from the bus seat, the locker, the gym floor, and the classroom are all being taken back and forth every single day. All because of the many surfaces their backpack touches. Yuck!
Germ-Fighting Solutions with Lysol®
It can be a good idea for teachers and educators to emphasize the importance of keeping germs at bay prior to the beginning of the school year. Calling out how much student’s backpacks and other highly used items such as pencils, markers, and scissors can affect the health and well-being of others in the classroom. To keep students, their backpacks, and your school building as germ-free as possible, it can be good to clean and disinfect regularly. Here are some examples of Lysol® cleaning products that can help:
- Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, Lemon and Lime Blossom Scent, 80 Wipes/Canister 6 Canisters/Carton: These versatile wipes can be used to clean and disinfect a variety of surfaces, including backpacks, lockers, and desks.
- Professional Lysol Disinfectant Spray, Crisp Linen, 19 oz For a deeper clean, spray Lysol Disinfectant Spray onto surfaces and allow it to sit for a few minutes before wiping with a single-use paper towel.
- Lysol Ready-to-Use All Purpose Cleaner, Spray Bottle, Lemon Breeze Scent, 32 oz: An all-purpose cleaner can be used on any surface, which is perfect for all of the surfaces that backpacks touch. Use this product on cafeteria tables after lunchtime, desks and chairs, and bus seats at the end of the route.
Germ-Proof Your Backpack with Lysol®
By incorporating these cleaning products into your daily routine, you can help protect your students and the school from harmful germs from the backpacks of your students. Remember, a clean backpack is a happy backpack, and a happy backpack is a happy student. Embark on a germ-fighting adventure with the help of Lysol® and W.B. Mason and ensure that your student’s backpacks are always a safe and healthy haven.
Written By: Elizabeth Ednie
Sponsored by: Lysol®